A succinct early exit trick for Option in Scala

I've realised that return in Scala only apply to a method. This led me to a cool early exit trick that I use everywhere.

It looks a bit off because I, for some reason, think return should have applied to the current lambda. But that's not the case in Scala.

Scenario: You have Option[A]. You want to get the value or simply exit the method if the value is absent (i.e. None)


def someMethod(argOpt: Option[String]): Unit = {
  val arg = argOpt.getOrElse { return }

  ... do something with arg ...

If argOpt is None, then it would just exit someMethod. This piece of code avoids ugly nested code.

Just so you know: there is a suggestion against it here. Use it at your own risk.

Edit: Apparently, this is a controversial topic. You can see the discussion (which has some good alternatives!) on Reddit and this meme.

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